If you’re a homeowner in the Okanagan, you know all too well how important it is to conserve water. Xeriscaping is the art of using stones and drought-tolerant paths to create spectacular areas around your home or business. Installing xeriscapes is an economical and sustainable way to landscape a yard that will require minimal water usage and maintenance year-round. All Kalagan Outdoor Design xeriscaping projects create areas that look beautiful while using native plants, rocks and stone. 

Benefits Of Xeriscapes

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Reduces expensive monthly water bills
  • Features beautiful native plants
  • Save you trips to the garden store for extra fertilizer or plants
  • Chemical Free Landscapes
  • Reduce their outdoor water consumption by up to 50%!  That’s enough savings to make any homeowner smile.
  • Xeriscaping is an economical and sustainable way to landscape a yard that uses native plants and trees, stone and rock
  • Benefits of xeriscapes include saving on lower monthly water bills, less weeding, maintenance, and lower environmental impact.
  • By installing a xeriscape in their yards, homeowners can reduce their outdoor water consumption by up to 50%.

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Kalagan Outdoor Design Xeriscaping and Turf
Kalagan Outdoor Design Xeriscape and Artif Turf
Kalagan Outdoor Design Xeriscape and turf shaded